The Matrix and Vedanta

Matrix as a story has a lot of parallels drawn from the Vedas. This space is to capture,interpret them over time. The trilogy touches may philosophical topics. which many people may not realize : 1) What it Real 2) What is Choice 3) Return to the Source 4) States of Consciousness (Waking,Dreaming,Deep Sleep) My blog will cover these in detail

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Matrix and the Vedas

I would like to try and explain the similiarities with Vedanta (based on some limted 'gyan' I have picked up inspired by the W Bros!!!). (Interestingly the Sanskrit recitation at the end encapsulates all this brilliantly)

Vedanta states three mental temparaments known as Tamas,Raja and Satva. Thomas Anderson's / Neo's life seems to have been taken to show how a person evolves thru these states in his lifetime.

Tamas is supposed to be lowest state, filled with inaction and a person is steeped in ignorance. (This to me is signified by a person plugged into the Matrix) Rajas is the next state,higher than Tamas but where a persons actions are driven by desire and a person who is agitated(This to me is signified by people in Zion) Satva is the highest state of the mind. A man's actions are perfect,his state is free of wordly desires and passions. Actions done in this stage are what are ones obligatory duties (refer to Ramchandra's conversation with Neo in Mobil Avenue) and is not based on a persons likes or dislikes. (This to me is signified by Neo,during the latest stages of M3)

Scriptures believe that a Atman exisits in each living being. The Atman is supposed to the same in all living beings and infite. The reason individuals are different of differences in one's intellect,body and mind. (I think this has been illustrated thru choices made thru the film). This is also what is called one's self. The scriptures also convey the message that the purpose of one's life is discovering this Atman in one self or Reunite with U'r self (interestingly the word Religon etomologically is derived from Re (BACK) Ligare (BIND), which means the same...and so does the buzz word Yoga), A person is able to evolve into this higher state thru right actions and thought and his life experiences help him in doing so. One's self is immortal, infinite and all prevading. The Atman is not supposed to be limited by the Human body, his mind or intellect.

If u look at the text of the Sansrkit Shlok in the end U could appreciate this a bit more.

From delusion lead me to truth
From darkness lead me to light
From death lead me to immortality.

He who knows both knowledge and action,
with action overcomes death and with knowledge reaches immortality
In him are woven the sky and the earth and all the regions of the air,
and in him rest the mind and all the powers of life.

Know him as the ONE and leave aside all other words.
He is the bridge of immortality

(Tamas stage to Satva and then the Self)

Beyond the senses is the mind,
and beyond the mind is reason, its essence.
Beyond reason is the Spirit in man,
and beyond this is the Spirit of the Universe, the evolver of all.

(Humans according to Vedanta is composed of his Body, Mind and Intellect, and his Self)

When the five senses and the mind are still,
and reason itself rests in silence, then begins the Path supreme.
And when he is seen in his immanence and transcendence,
then the ties that have bound the heart are unloosened,
the doubts of the mind vanish,
and the law of Karma works no more.

(This describes the Self, one a person realizes this he breaks away from the cycle of life / death)


Blogger Mahesh said...

Great Tiwari Ji,

I find your article very informative and interesting. May you please tell me ...from where these shlokas are taken.

Mahesh Sahu

5:01 AM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

It's from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. I heard it in the film for the first time.javascript:void(0)

2:05 AM  

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